Resonance of the Heart Solstice Celebration
Join Bea, David and Wendy and Donna for a heart-centred sound celebration of Winter Solstice with delicious festive food.

Time & Location
22 Dec 2024, 14:00 – 18:00
Weston-super-Mare Football Club, Winterstoke Rd, Weston-super-Mare BS24 9AA, UK
About the Event
Join us for our Winter Solstice celebration as we welcome the return of longer and warmer days.
The ceremonialist Glennie Kindred writes: the Winter Solstice falls in the heart of the winter on the shortest day and the longest night of the year. This special festival is an opportunity in our busy lives to put aside some time to pause, to appreciate the stillness and rest that is the gift of midwinter, to reflect on the old year that is finishing and to look forward with hope for the new year about to begin. It is a time of coming together, of sharing, and appreciation of all we have. It is also a celebration of our connectedness - to our family and friends, and to the Earth and her cycles.
The afternoon will begin will begin with a drum circle facilitated by Wendy Ruddick. The drum is all about the…